Catherine McAuley School of Nursing Kenya
Catherine McAuley School of Nursing Kenya is a Nursing college located at Matter Hospital Nairobi County. The School was then named after Catherine McAuley, the Founder of the Sisters of Mercy. In September, 2004 the school responded to the ever-demanding nursing needs and began training Kenya Registered Nurses.The school has adequate facilities to support learning ranging from lecture rooms, skills laboratory, and a computer laboratory with internet access, a library, School Bus, as well as a playground among others.
Courses offered at Catherine McAuley School of Nursing Kenya
1. Kenya Registered Nursing (KRN)
Minimum Entry
• KCSE Mean Grade C Plain
• English C Plain
• Mathematics C-
• Biology C Plain
• Any other science subject C- (minus) i.e Physical or Chemistry
2. Kenya Registered Midwife
Minimum Entry
• Kenya Registered Nursing
• Registered with the Nursing Council of Kenya with valid practicing license
3. Higher Diploma in Critical Care Nursing
Minimum Entry
• Kenya Registered Nursing (KRN/M) with a valid practice license
4. Short Courses
First Aid
Family Life Education (TOTs)
Advanced Cardiac arrest Support
Advanced Trauma Life support
Basic Life Support
Name:The Catherine McAuley School of Nursing and Midwifery
Location:Dunga Road ,South B, Nairobi
Postal Address; P. O. Box 30325 (00100) Kenya
Tel: (+254 20) 6531199, 556010, 536570-7
Fax: (+254 20) 53 42 89
Cell: 0724 531199, 0722 828629, 0722 830359, 0733 641870, 0733 666002