Thika Level 5 Hospital Description
Thika Level 5 Hospital began its operations in 1941 and is strategically located at the heart of Thika Town of Kiambu County. It enjoys acreage of 7.97 Hectares. The hospital is run by a cohesive, highly trained, dedicated and specialized human resource team of 550 members firmly anchored on the pillars of teamwork and self-sacrifice.
Thika Level 5 Hospital provides health services to an average of 20,000 inpatients and 350,000 outpatients annually. The hospital’s provision of quality health services has blurred inter-county boundaries which has seen patients trickle in from More counties including Nairobi, Murang’a, Kirinyaga and Machakos, translating to a catchment population of 3-5 Million people on average.
Ever since the healthcare devolution journey began in the year 2010 until date, the hospital has always pledged to relentlessly pursue its objective of providing high quality and cost-effective healthcare to its patients. The Hospital believes in offering comprehensive care under a single roof, setting the best-practice standards in health care services, continually improving our performance and exceeding the expectations of our patients. Your health is and will always be our mandate.
To be a world-class teaching and referral hospital
To provide quality, affordable, accessible healthcare to our clients.
Core Values
- Integrity
- Efficiency
- Timeliness
- Transparency
- Confidentiality
- Professionalism
Thika Level 5 Hospital – Services
Thika Level 5 Hospital Details, Services, Facilities, and Contacts♦ Antenatal
♦ Antiretroviral Therapy
♦ Basic Emergency Obstetric Care
♦ Caesarean Section
♦ Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care
♦ Curative In-patient Services
♦ Curative Outpatient Services
♦ Family Planning
♦ Growth Monitoring and Promotion
♦ HIV Counselling and Testing
♦ Home-Based Care
♦ Immunization
♦ Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
♦ Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV
♦ Radiology Services (e.g X-ray, UltraScan, MRI, etc)
♦ Tuberculosis Diagnosis
♦ Tuberculosis Treatments
Thika District Hospital Location
♦ Type: District Hospital
♦ Owner: Ministry of Health
♦ Status: Operational
♦ District: Thika, Central
♦ Division: Thika Municipality
♦ Location: Thika Town
♦ SubLocation: Biashara
♦ Constituency: JUJA
Thika Level 5 Hospital Contacts
The hospital is Inside Kmtc, Opposite Thika Depot, General Kago Road, Thika, Kenya
♦ Address: 227
♦ Postal Code: 01000
♦ Town: Thika
♦ Nearest Town: Thika Town
♦ Landline: 067-31693,21621
♦ Mobile: +254 (0) 722 106 797
♦ Email:
♦ Status: Operational
♦ Number of Beds: 265
♦ Number of Cots: 24
Overview of Level 5 Hospitals in Kenya
Level 5 Hospitals in Kenya are the referral point for level 4 hospitals. These are regional centres which provide specialized care, including intensive care, life support, specialist consultations, specialised therapy services including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and renal dialysis, sterile production unit services, internship training, forensic pathology services, and 24-hour pharmacy services. Level 5 Hospitals also incorporate all Level 4 Hospitals facilities.
Level 5 Hospitals in Kenya form a secondary level of health care for their location. They provide services to a geographically well-defined area. They provide specialized care, involving skills and competence not available at Level 4 Hospitals in Kenya, which makes them the next level of referral after Level 4 Hospitals.
Level 5 Hospitals in Kenya should have;
- A medical superintendent should lead a team of at least 15 medical officers, seven anesthesiologists, two cardiologists, four general surgeons, and two orthopedic surgeons.
- It should have a 500-bed capacity with ICU and HDU having 12 beds each.
- One mammographer, three CT scan or MRI radiographer, two human resource management officers, 50 medical laboratory technologists, four cateresses, 20 cooks, 15 drivers, 60 support staff, 10 mortuary attendants, and 16 security officers should also form part of the staff.
- The facility also offers specialized therapy services including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and renal dialysis, sterile production unit services, internship training, forensic pathology services, and 24-hour pharmacy services.
- The hospital should be built on at least ten acres of land or 5,000 square meters.
- The hospital should employ at least 90 clinical officers, 1,118 nurses with specialists spread across different departments, 11 pharmacists (general, clinical, oncology pharmacists) and 10 pharmaceutical technologists.
- The services offered are similar to level 4 except for the number of patients, which is higher. A level 5 hospital can handle more than 250 patients per day as well as specialized clinics.
- The team should also include a critical care physician, two ENT surgeons, three gynecologists, four oncologists, and two palliative care specialists.
- There should be an inpatient and outpatient pharmacy, burn unit and staff quarters for at least eight persons on duty.